Tina, at
The Enchanted Home, recently featured a fun site for creating mood boards. It's called Olioboard (
olioboard.com) and even though I usually use Picassa and Microsoft Publisher for creating boards, mosaics and collages, I thought I would give it a try. I liked it- it was really fun and easy to use. I'm not sure which program I like best- they each have their positives and negatives.
Try it out and see what you think- it's not just for designers!
Some ideas for the new music room! |
I decided to use the olioboard site to give you an update on where I am with the
dining to music room conversion. The last time I posted about this, I had just moved the dining furniture out and the "new" old furniture in. That's where it is still. I knew I wouldn't get much done over the summer but with fall looming, I'm feeling like I need a plan!
Next, I'll break down the mood board and I really would like to hear your feedback.
Also, as I redesign this room, I will detail the general process.
This is a detail of the border. |
The oriental rug is my jumping off point (aka the inspiration piece).
It's a 9x13 Tabriz and predominately deep red. The border has cream, black, olive, orange, a lot of purple and a beautiful blue. It's the blue that I would like to use in the room as a primary color. I have collected a lot of blue and white accessories throughout the years so pulling the blue out is a logical choice.
The adjacent room (the foyer) is blue-gray. I like when colors flow from one room to another and my rooms are not that big, so in my case, it's essential.
Find your inspiration piece. It could be a rug, a painting, a fabric that you would like to use, ...just about anything can be used as an inspiration piece when you are starting from scratch!
Music Room Floor Plan |
I have collected pieces of furniture throughout the years that I liked and knew that I would use someday. Some of it needs to be refinished.... so, the next step for me was to figure out what furniture I would be using and how it would be arranged. The pieces in the above plan that are labeled, are the pieces that I really, really wanted to use.
The cocktail table is large but here's my rational for using it:
1.) it's a Russell Wright table that goes with the Russell Wright buffet and mirror- I like that the wood tones are the same, I think it connects the two areas.
2.) We like to play board games -we need a table that is large enough to function for that purpose and
3.) I no longer have a "dining room" and when we entertain (about 25-30 people for every birthday and holiday) I can see the kiddies sitting around this table- Japanese style! It will work and I like it.
Here's a side note- if you like the way something looks or the way a room feels- throw out the design rules!
I mean seriously, it's your home, right?
Now on to the furniture!
Wisteria |
Wisteria sells a caned chair very similar to the one that I have. Black painted finish, cream upholstery- I like it. My rug is busy and I'm not big on mixing a lot of colorful patterns.
Here's my chair:
This will be the "before" pic.
I've never reupholstered anything so this will be a first! |
Also, I like change. By keeping the upholstery neutral I'm free to change the look of the room by switching out pillows, throws and accessories.
With that said- have you seen this couch?
This is the inspiration for the settee (see the pic below). You will have to use your imagination a whole lot but this is how I want to upholster the settee cushion.
Another re-upholstery job and I'll add bolster cushions
along the back in order to carry the color up the back a bit. |
http://www.beddingsheetsandlinens.com/products/view.aspx?family=714509&rmk=1833 |
...and the zebra print pillow- gotta have it!
The Russell Wright buffet will serve as a much needed storage piece and also a hub for the phone and a few desk accessories.
I think I will use this chair. It's light and can be easily pulled up to the table. I'll be looking for a fun fabric to use as a cushion or pillow- I may even paint it. What do you think?
As far as wall color- I need to repaint. I like the blue/cream combo that I have but I'm considering a brighter white for the wainscot -just to freshen the room up a bit.
Any other ideas?