
Monday, March 7, 2011

A New Hampshire Home Featured

A view looking into the dining room but the real view is out the windows- it's breathtaking!
It's a snow day today, so the kids are home and after an out-of-town basketball tournament this weekend, that's a good thing! We all need an extra day of rest and relaxation. Now don't get me wrong, I love my home, it's cozy and filled with love but let me show you a home that would be a dream to spend a snow day in! This home, by Smith & Vansant Architects,  is in Hanover, New Hampshire. It has ridiculous long range views to Mt. Ascutney, beautifully crafted details and cozy small spaces combined with open, light-filled rooms. Truly a show case home!

Drive court to entry elevation
Covered entry between garage and main entry
Looking into the mudroom from the entry hall. I like that you don't enter directly into the mudroom. I know, who wouldn't.
Continue down the hall to the living room or ...
get cozy with a book in the reading nook! 
The living room
You knew the kitchen would be spectacular, right?
I mean if you like this sort of thing!!!
Peninsula between kitchen and dining room

Stair tower

Office with built-in cherry cabinets

Bunk room. I'm not sure if this is in the main house or part of the guest suite. Either way, a pretty efficient use of space!
Guest bathroom

An old fashioned mix of tile and see the bin pull in the middle of the vanity. Do you think it's the dirty cloths hamper? It would be a good place to put one. This bathroom seems cold to me (am I actually being critical of something?) - just saying!

Gorgeous tiled floor and alcove lighting- now this looks warm!
I just did a bathroom in these warm beige tones and bright white - I like it.
Staircase leading to gazebo
Good bye beautiful home!
Hope you enjoyed the tour and have a great day!

PS Let me know you were here, I love reading your comments and click follow in the right hand margin to be eligible for upcoming give aways -just for following along!
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  1. We can only dream, right? A gorgeous home that gets us motivated for spring projects - love the colors! Thanks for sharing- :)

  2. That's right! I looked through the photos a couple of times trying to figure out the exact floor plan and trying to find a detail that I could possibly use.

  3. Gorgeous home! I don't see a single thing I'd change.
