
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Decorating With Demijohns

You might be surprised that you know what these are. It's the name "Demijohn" that's not that common, the bottles on the other hand,  are seen all over- at flea markets, antique marts, and quite possibly in your own home.  

Allison Jaffe Interior Design
Demijohns are often referred to as carboys and the difference is associated with what they carried more than the form of the bottle. 

William Hefner Architecture Interiors & Landscape
Carboys transported chemicals and corrosive materials whereas demijohns were the vehicle of choice for spirits and wine. 

Jeanette Lunde
Both were often encased in wicker to help protect them during transport but chances are the wicker will have deteriorated leaving only the beautiful green, blue, amber or clear blown glass bottles. 

Apartment Therapy
The earliest demijohns were bulbous shaped.

Blount Architectural and Interior Design
Whereas newer ones were jug shaped, square (called "loaf of bread") or even kidney shaped. This made them easier to transport.

Faiella Design
Demijohns are often used in decorating as a display, to hold a few branches or just for collecting pennies.

Melinda Faranetta

The New England Glass Bottle Company was the first company to produce these bottles in any great quantity.

Pracktyczne j Piekne
I thought it was interesting that
The New England Glass Bottle Company employed a lot of children, including girls. It was the girls that encased the bottles in wicker and reed because this was considered "womens work". Isn't that cute!

Hillis Bolte Luxury Builders

Available HERE

It wasn't until I researched these that I realized that I have one. I have a square one that I bought at an antique show years ago and I've always just referred to it as a decanter. Of course it is a decanter but now it seems much more than that. From now on, I will refer to it by its proper name- Demijohn!

Hope you enjoyed your visit, 

PS What do you think about the music??? Does it need to go or do you like it? I figured those that don't like it could always turn their speakers down. The player is at the very bottom of the page. 

Anyone have any request :)

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