
Friday, March 4, 2011

Fun Friday Find: Lilipad Studio

Ever since I started doing a Friday feature, my weeks seem to fly by. Did you have a good week? I think you will enjoy this weeks fun find. Lilipad Studio is a company in Idaho that sells eco-friendly, hand crafted and hand painted furniture for kids. I think the reason I find it so appealing is because it breaks away from the typical primary colors and Mackenzie Child type patterns that you so often see. It's whimsical and imaginative and I agree with Laura Higdon, the artist and creator of Lilipad Studio, that in order to find high quality, hand made furniture for kids you pretty much have to buy used. As you know, I have no problem with that. In fact, my son has a very sturdy little table and chairs that I would love to paint and now I have been inspired to do just that! 

Such rich colors and playful designs! Very inspiring and I can't wait to come up with my own versions- you'll be the first to see! Have a great weekend! 

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