
Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year, Felice Anno Nuovo and Ein glückliches neues Jahr!

From the name of my blog, you may have deduced that I'm partial to Italian. I've taken a couple of classes and I'm teaching myself even more with the help of Rosseta Stone. In the post title, I included a German greeting though because this post is about my German cupboard. I found this old baking cupboard at an antique show. The dealer said that he brings one of these back from Germany every year but they hardly ever have all of the drawers intact (at least that's what the story was). I instantly fell in love with it!

 I felt compelled to take pictures of it today because tomorrow the Christmas decorations get packed away. I have decorated it the same every year for a couple of years now. I love my old raggedy Santa perched in front of a sleigh filled with moss and nut covered topiary balls and the beautiful apple decorations hanging from the doors. About ten years ago, when I started painting some of my antiques (I know, I know -purists are cringing), I painted this a color called Thomas Everard Coffee a Williamsburg Historical color by Martin Senour Paint.

 It holds a collection of polish pottery and serves more as a china cabinet than a baking cabinet. The porcelain drawers have the names of various spices and baking staples like flour and sugar. 

Every month House Beautiful has a feature called "Send Us A Picture" and when they did one asking for pictures of china cabinets I considered sending in a photo of my old cupboard but just never got around to it.  Below are eight of the photos from their featured designers:
More like a china room than a cabinet! Wouldn't this be nice?

Are you proud of your china cabinet? Send me a picture I'll show it off! Send it to

Hope you enjoyed your visit. Please let me know you stopped by and tell me what you think! I would love to hear from you! Again, Happy New Year, hope it's an inspiring one! Michelle

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