
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Design Files

The new year is almost here and January 1st is the goal I set for myself to get everything on this blog up and running so that I can actually invite people to take a look. I have been basically blogging into oblivion since I have told only a few people about this blog. I figured I would post a few blogs for practice and figure out what my blog style was going to be. Should I be funny, sarcastic, witty, philosophical (all a part of who I am my own mind) or what should I do.?! In the end, I realized that the easiest method is to just be myself but therein lies another problem! I am such a private person. So, my plan is to always speak in the third person, no -just kidding, my plan is to loosen up a little, it's a new year, I can make changes after --years (see what I mean I can't even tell you how old I am argh! this is not going to be easy! However, the reason I am doing this blog is because I love, love, love inspiring people to do things and that will be my motivation!

With the last few days that I have left before launching this baby, I am going to upload my files of design inspiration. I use Microsoft One Note all the time when I'm browsing the internet. When I see something I like, I "clip it" and file it in one of my One Note Notebooks. Also, I scan in pictures from magazines and organize them there as well. Now that I have this blog I am careful to make sure I note where the pictures originated from and who the photographers and designers are but with many of the older pictures, I'm sorry,  I just don't know. Let me know if you know who the designers are or if I snagged something from someone else's blog. I always want to give credit where credit is due! These are obviously photographs that truly inspired me!

At some point I will go back and explain what it is that I love about these rooms and spaces but for now I just want to get them up for your viewing pleasure. Time's ticking...

Thanks for stopping by,

PS. Please, please let me know you were here! Leave comments/suggestions, become a follower, sign up for the email, ask questions...if I don't know I will figure it out!
Classic white picket fence entrance!

[Pottery Barn Catalog] I love everything about this front entrance! Elegant and understated!

The home office my husband swoons over. (he will not be happy that I said "swoons"- just testing to see if he reads my posts)

Atypical office space- works for me!

A game room not relegated to the basement! How nice, all that natural light! Although, the reason I have this in my file, is the wall display. I like how the television just blends with adjacent black framed artwork.

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