
Monday, November 29, 2010

"Design is a plan for arranging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a particular purpose." Charles Eames

From this quote you would think he was a function over form guy but definitely not...have you seen his furniture designs! 

I know it's not for everyone but I love this!,

Wouldn't this make your office happy!?

Decorating For The Holidays

I opened up the boxes of Christmas decorations over the weekend and found the little snapshots that I tucked into each box last year so that I would remember how I decorated. I forgot that I did this but I do remember why. My thinking was that if I could just remember from year to year where everything went, then decorating would be quick and easy! I like to entertain at the holidays, my oldest son was born on Christmas and I have another son with a New Years Eve birthday so I have a lot of stuff and I really do it up. Besides, I'm sentimental and I'm  a collector...did I mention that I have a lot of stuff and even more excuses for having so much stuff!

Do you decorate the same every year or do you mix it up? I remember we got into this subject at a book club  meeting once. Some intentionally did not do the same year to year, some did what I did and took pictures (that's probably where I got the idea) and others had no plan...just put things wherever (obviously not afflicted with the "every detail needs to be designed curse").

Well, so much for the plan. It took all of two seconds to dump the plan and start with fresh eyes. That's how design goes. We change, what we like changes, we are inspired along the way by new ideas, new experiences and new places. I'll probably take pictures again this year but next year I really hope I will feel inspired enough to change it all again.    

Here are some ideas from Traditional Home Magazine that I have found inspiring for this year! 
A beautiful way to add a festive touch to a potted plant. I like using gold painted pine cones. 

I love how the bust was adorned with a crown...details, details!

This photograph and the one below have inspired me to incorporate pine cones (that I will probably paint gold), some berries and my own bird ornaments into my chandelier design this year.

The powder room is used more than ever during the holidays. Scented decorations are a nice touch!

So simple... repetition always makes a statement!
I hope you were able to find some inspiration here, Happy Decorating! 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ornamental Kale: A Fall Beauty in the Garden

Okay that's it... I am planting these next spring! Is anyone else in awe of these stunning fall beauties? Around CNY, this time of year, Ornamental Kale is one of the few plants in the garden still putting on a show but you have to have enough foresight in the spring to plant them! 

I think fall is a good time to look around your landscape and actually take notes or make a list for the following spring. What do you want to remember to plant? Is your landscape as interesting in the fall as it is in the spring and summer? What do you need to plant in the spring to extend the beauty of your landscape well into the cool months of autumn? When spring finally does roll around we want instant gratification! NEXT SPRING when your at the nursery comparing beautiful plants about to burst into bloom and scraggly little purple stems with a couple of leaves..... THINK FALL! 

Monday, November 1, 2010

A New Endeavor

I believe that everyone is blessed with a gift from God and it is our duty to discover what that gift is and nurture it so that we may share it with the world around us. I truly believe this and that is why I have a sign in my work space that says "Design Something!" I actually do feel guilty when I am not designing or creating something.  Why?  Because I can.

This blog will be two things: First, a collection of everything that inspires me and that I hope will inspire you:  Architecture, Nature, Books, Family, Philosophy and Art. Second, it will be a portfolio of work that I have done and am currently working on.  I would like to showcase not only my own products but those that I tear out of catalogs and magazines  and put up on my bulletin board to remember that I want it or I want to create something like it! I do that a lot and I always encourage my clients to do it. It's a very useful tool. (Hey, I should blog about that!)

I'm very excited to get started.  Thank you for reading my first post and I hope this is the beginning of many new encounters.

I would love to hear your comments or answer any questions that you might have along the way.