
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ornamental Kale: A Fall Beauty in the Garden

Okay that's it... I am planting these next spring! Is anyone else in awe of these stunning fall beauties? Around CNY, this time of year, Ornamental Kale is one of the few plants in the garden still putting on a show but you have to have enough foresight in the spring to plant them! 

I think fall is a good time to look around your landscape and actually take notes or make a list for the following spring. What do you want to remember to plant? Is your landscape as interesting in the fall as it is in the spring and summer? What do you need to plant in the spring to extend the beauty of your landscape well into the cool months of autumn? When spring finally does roll around we want instant gratification! NEXT SPRING when your at the nursery comparing beautiful plants about to burst into bloom and scraggly little purple stems with a couple of leaves..... THINK FALL! 

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