
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Recycled Re-Purpose Refurbish

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Tuesday already? What a weekend! Thank you for all of the well wishes after last Friday's post. 

Well, I really didn't plan on gutting the kitchen but essentially that's what happened over the weekend. Water is an amazing thing isn't it? It is hard to fathom the amount of damage (and upheaval of life) that people who have had flooded homes must endure. We had one little pipe, with one little hole and we are looking at a nearly gutted kitchen. Unbelievable! 

Of course, I'll post all about it soon enough and of course, I will be taking advantage of having everything torn out. We will be putting it back together a little differently- adding some recessed and pendant lights, changing the wall color, etc. The footprint hasn't changed so I won't get that pantry I joked about on Friday but I will be working on some creative storage ideas.

As I was searching for some inspiration, I found a lot of very unusual and unique ideas for displaying and storing items, using recycled or refurbished vintage items.

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Some of it is kind of silly and not very practical but in the right place adding one or two of these ideas to your home decor could be quite charming.

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Design Sponge
It would be so easy to add legs to an old vintage suitcase. 
At the end of a bed, besides being a place to sit, it could hold some extra blankets. 
How cute would that be in a guestroom?

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A Timeless Tufted Tub!

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Design Sponge
How about using an old door to make a couch...

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...Or as a backdrop, with a mounted sconce...

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Or as a table top- {I really like this one too}!

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This is so clever- what an amazing collection of teapots!

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Twig Home
And who doesn't want to hang their pearls from an old rusty rake... The contrast does create some drama! Actually, the idea of using a rake for display purposes is pretty interesting. How about in a rustic bathroom with little bouquets of dried lavender?

This is awesome! 
Don't throw the boat away- recycle it- bring it in the house, hang it from the rafters!
Sleep, swing, or just daydream

Lots of fun ideas.
Which was your favorite?


  1. great inspirations! i really like the metal wares in the first image

  2. I love those teapots. Good luck in getting your kitchen put back together!

  3. Wow so many interesting and unique ideas. The rake is really something as is the "tubbed ottoman"....clever for sure. I guess the silver lining with your disaster is being able to change thigns up a big with your kitchen...look forward to hearing what you do!

  4. These are all great images, but I adore the old door with the mounted sconce....*le sigh*.....

  5. I really like the different uses for the door, but I agree using the rake is pretty unique. I'm trying to figure out a way to organize my jewelry without spending a ton of money - maybe I should go out to the garage for some inspiration. I know there is a lot of stuff out there that could turn into something great.

  6. Oh I really want those teapots. How adorable!

  7. These were so much fun but I have to be honest my favorite is that old boat, that is so cool!


  8. Hi Michelle, I felt right at home when I came to visit your blog and this was the first post I saw! Doors, suitcases and ladders are some of my favorite things. You found some great inspiration photos! I'm loving that boat, haven't tried that one yet. Somehow I don't think my husband would be cool with it....
