
Friday, January 13, 2012

Just Another Friday The Thirteenth

Today I was going to do post about my one year anniversary. Yes, exactly one year ago today Ispirato Design Blog went live on the internet! 

I will save that post until next week because when I woke up this morning, this Friday the 13th morning, I could hear what sounded like pouring rain coming from my kitchen. To my dismay, that was a pretty accurate guess. A pipe burst in the kitchen ceiling and the kitchen was completely flooded. My husband and I have spent the entire day tearing down sheet rock, moldings, emptying out and removing wall cabinets- pretty much gutting the kitchen. We have no water. I'm missing one of my best friend's mother's wake that is going on right now because I'm waiting for Servepro to come and help deal with the water damage. Did I mention that the kids had a snow day today because we are in the middle of a blizzard and my son is stuck in Buffalo! 

Other than that, life is good and I can't even take myself seriously trying to get all worked up because I only need think about those who are dealing with real disasters, life and death disasters and I count my many, many blessings. 

Happy Friday the 13th- Really! :)

PS. Maybe I can work a pantry into the re-do! teehee


  1. Omg!!! That is awful! Prob the last thing you wanted to wake up to....but I love the positive spin you're putting on it, fingers crossed for a fabulous new pantry!!

    Xx. Patience

  2. Oh, no!!!! Bless your heart!!!! What a freakin' mess! I am so sorry.

    But I still want to congratulate you on your blog's birthday! Congratulations!!!

  3. Wow Michelle, what a thing to wake up too. I am so sorry this happened and all that it brought for you today. All you can do is carry on as you are with your positive attitude. I hope the rebuild is goes smoothly and you can work that pantry in! ~Tammy

  4. Oh my! My sister recently woke to the same thing. She didn't get a pantry but there was a silver lining to the whole fiasco. Good luck with everything!

  5. OMG...THAT IS CRAZY!!!! So sorry you poor thing, does this however mean maybe getting to do some fun things to the kitchen? Sorry, just trying desperately to put a postiive spin on this. I know all about it pouring when it rains...yes have those days on a regular basis:)
    On a side note, congrats to you on one year! I am sure this wasn't the celebration you had intended but lets hope there is a silver lining here......good luck with the clean up!
    And hope you get to have some downtime this weekend.

  6. I was feeling so blue for you, until you said you wanted to work a pantry into the redo. Ha ha ha ha. You are hilarious my dear.

  7. Yikes that is not a good day but the one good thing was is that you were home. Well now you get that color you have wanted and may some more added treats in your newly remodled kitchen. Kathy

  8. Oh my gosh....!!!!!!!!!!! At least you can write about it. Oh that is awful....but good I guess maybe you'll get your pantry? Keep us posted! And congrats on 1 year of blogging - that's big!

  9. Oh Michele, that just SUCKS. When you said you wanted a pantry, I'm pretty sure you didn't want to get it this way! I'm so impressed with your positive outlook though. Something I should keep in mind when things break around my house.
