
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sleeping Porches

Let me tell you a little story as you look at some dreamy sleeping porches...

Photo via Decorology

Numerous times when our older two children were young, we would  take the six hour road trip to New Hampshire to visit my relatives. Because we went often, we had it down to a science. We would leave after dinner and within a couple of hours the kids would fall asleep, upon our arrival, we would carry them into the made up guest beds and enjoy a few cocktails. When we woke in the morning, we had the whole day ahead of us at their beautiful New Hampshire "pond" (aka: lake).

In the car, we would listen to Garrison Keillor's A Prairie Home Companion and be so drawn into his stories that time would just fade away. What provoked the memory of those road trips is something that he said, and it must have really struck a chord for me to remember it so many years later. He said there is a certain ruggedness about people that live in the parts of the country where there are such cold, harsh winters!

If you're asking yourselves, what does this have to do with sleeping porches? or  your assuming we slept on a porch- nope! Todays post is about the feeling that sleeping porches evoke! We have survived a cold, harsh winter and the weather has been so beautiful this week, it just made me think of Garrison Keillor and what he said about us so called rugged individuals. This past winter I can't tell you how many times I heard my friends and family exclaim, "Why do we even live here"!?

I equate why I live here with a long run. Most times it's not the run that motivates me but rather the feeling that I'm going to have when I'm done. I'm addicted to that feeling. As I was walking around outside this week, I had such an overwhelming feeling of awe at Spring, and new life and a feeling of starting over and being rejuvenated. Personally, I don't want to give up that once a year feeling. 

 I would love to have a sleeping porch. I want to soak up as much of this beautiful weather as possible and I don't want to let it go at night. How awesome would it be to call it a night in one of these sleeping porches or wake up in one?! ...or how about a catnap on the weekend!

...or just lounging and reading a good book!


Maybe it's just a less rugged way of camping right at your house :)


The truth of the matter is, there isn't a place in the country that doesn't deal with some type of adverse weather and it's just a matter of time before everyone around here starts complaining about the heat...and the humidity...and the bugs!

...but I'm just going to dream about my future sleeping porch. I'd like to screen in our back deck that over looks not a lake but a pool, my own little haven where:
The women are strong,
The men are good looking,
and the children are all above average!
Garrison Keilllor


  1. nice to meet you Michelle. Love those sleeping porches. I have enjoyed looking at your work. You are very talented. It will be fun to follow each other. Like your blog title too, are you Italian? Janet

  2. Lovely post...too funny we both did back porches today....that last hammock has me seriously coveting...that's not the worst sin right? Can't wait to see what you do my friend!

  3. I love your final quote! My dream house has a sleeping porch, too, complete with a tongue and groove ceiling, ceiling fan and furniture that it's impossible to stay awake in. You had me at "a few cocktail" ;) ~ Yvonne (your new follower)

  4. Gorgeous inspiration photos! I'd love a sleeping porch too. Although in the south, we'd only get to use it a month or two. It's already in the 90's here. Your writing was as fun as the photos themselves. Dreamy!

  5. Goodness, your post brought me right back to my own childhood when my parents would pack up my brother, sister and I in the car and head to grandma's house. We'd "magically" wake up the next morning in her guest room without remembering how we got there!

    BTW, I think i "need" the coverlet in the first photo.

  6. I could thin of nothing better than to sleep on any of these porches!

  7. I am suddenly yearning for a nap! These all look sooo cozy!~ I love the wonderful to have a sleeping porch with crisp linens and all I would need is my down pillow...perfect!! Please stop by, doing a great giveaway...a chic beautiful bench!

  8. The sleeping porches are all beautiful, just think what a good night sleep you would have in the night air, it would be wonderful!


  9. I would just love to have one of these porches attached to my house, but architecturally, it would never work. Thanks for posting some beautiful pics and ideas ~ we can all dream, right? :)

  10. Oh i never thought of sleeping on a porch...Sounds so lovely! I will have to dream too now. Gorgeous pictures and blog. WOW.
    Following you back.

  11. tried to email you but it won't go through. Just wanted to let you know I gave you an award to highlight your blog. go to my blog to check it out! Hugs, Janet

  12. I have a sunroom with a sleeper bed. The porch would be really nice with the breeze.
    I love the pictures you posted.

    Here in Jersey it's finally warming,

  13. LOVE your beautiful blog!


  14. I just love your blog and I am your newest follower! The photos are the sleeping porches are beautiful! I think if I had one (or any kind of porch), I would be out there all day.

  15. I love sleeping porches! What great inspiration! I don't have a sleeping porch but have always wanted one. Maybe I can building a sleeping gazebo....

  16. I love this post. LOVE it! I stole one of the pictures too for my Room Love tab. So beautiful -- I cam back for a second look today.

