
Friday, May 13, 2011

Headline: Blogger issues screw up Pet Portrait Give Away!- Read all about it!

Is everyone frustrated with Blogger yet?

The recent issues with blogger have caused a small problem with the Pet Portrait give away. Recent comments left on posts have disappeared! If you left a comment on the original Pet Portrait give away post so that you could be entered in the give away you should check and make sure that it is still there. If it is not, you will have to leave another comment !!! I'm very sorry...this is out of my control :(

Most likely I will reach 100 Followers by this weekend (YEAH!!) which is supposed to be the point that I choose the winner (using In order to make sure that no one is left out- especially those that might have had there comment disappear- I'm going to hold off on choosing the winner until at least Monday (assuming Blogger does not have any more issues)!

Win a Gift Certificate for a Pet PortraiT
Click on the button
To sign up for the Pet Portrait Give Away

Have a great weekend!


  1. Whoohoo! Congratulations on (almost) reaching 100 followers. That's such a huge milestone :)

  2. I'll help with the numbers and would LOVE to win this for my very good friend whose dog is really her child -- I've been wanting to do this gift for her for years. Really loving the interiors I've seen so far on your blog!


  3. Hey girlie! What an amazing blog you have. Such PUUURRRDDY stuff! I just wanted to stop by and tell you thank you for leaving me some bloggy love at MY blog! You made me feel pretty darn special. Thanks again. Smooches!

    Jennie{Cinnaberry Suite}

  4. It was bad that they were down for so long! I was not impressed!

  5. Thanks so much for your kind words on our little blog and for the head's up on your giveaway!
    Max would love a little portrait of himself to hang in our library! Count me in on your giveaway!
    hope I win! haha so Does everybody else too ;)
    Lots of Love

  6. Howdy! I'm a new follower from Relax and Surf - hope you can return the favor sometime soon.

  7. Would love to be considered for the pet portrait give away! Love your blog ~ keep up the awesomeness! :)

  8. Blogger sucked this weekend, but hopefully it will get to normal "soon":P But I'm really glad I discovered your blog. I love all the inspiration you pour out here and I am now following you thanks to Relax and Surf Sunday blog hop, and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
    Also don't forget to tune in today, because we have a special guest with us and it comes along with lots of presents and surprises for everybody! So don't miss it out. See you there!
    Happy Monday
