
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Music Rooms

Isn't this whimsical?
It's so fun thinking about completely changing a room. After getting the piano, and deciding to ditch the dining room for a library/study, I've been searching the internet for pictures of rooms with pianos. I'm looking for inspiration! Here is what I found:

London Neo-Gothic Islington House Living Area Design
Barbara Weiss Architects
This is my favorite style!
I love the architectural elements, the books, the modern chair and the small table!

London Neo-Gothic Islington House Private Music Room Design
Barbara Weiss Architects
Another view of the music room. I have floor to ceiling bookcases within "eye shot" of the dining room so I  probably won't do this in the dining room -oops I mean study, that's what I'll call it.

London Neo-Gothic Islington House Living Room Design
Barbara Weiss Architects
This picture is from the same London house as the previous two. I have a mid-century table like this that I'm considering. Does anyone else like mid-century furniture? It's actually not that popular around here. The bookcases are pretty cool too. This space very inspirational!

piano living room design 26 Wonderful Living Room Design Ideas

small living room plans

elegant office house interior decor

All of the photos are linked to their sources.

Most of these rooms have baby grands, not upright pianos but I'm looking more at colors and overall style. So much inspiration!!! Has anyone else gone through this whole thought process. Do have a dining room that is seldom used for dining? If so, I hope this inspires you as well.


  1. Stunning, I love the gray one with modern touches. Lately, our dining room has been used for projects :). We hardly ever use it for dining.

  2. I wish I played the piano so I could have a music room. My Grandmother had a music room with a huge piano, but it was very rarely used.

  3. Oh! I love your inspiration pictures. We actually use our dining room quite often, but I wouldn't hesitate to use it for something else if there was a need and/or we never used it.

  4. @elizebeth- I like the style of the first picture but the gray one is my overall favorite as well.

    @David I've always wanted to play the piano and speak Italian so I'm teaching myself both while trying to teach the kids. I really need to get them into lessons while they are so into it. It's never too late to learn.

    @Carrie- I think I'm just afraid to get rid of my furniture- silly to be attached I know but it was one of our first purchases!

  5. I love how a grand piano changes a space. It makes me wish I stuck w/ piano lessons as a kid. xo

  6. Stunning inspiration, oh how I love a room with a piano!!! Doesn't it just add some element of fantasticness to the room? (c: So glad you visited my blog so I could find yours, it's so awesome! Have a happy monday!
