
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Rooms to Hibernate In

traditional bedroom by The Old Painted Cottage
via The Old Painted Cottage

Happy Groundhog Day! Did you know that "the Groundhog Day celebration is rooted in a German superstition that says if a hibernating animal casts a shadow on Feb. 2, the Christian holiday of Candlemas, winter will last another six weeks. If no shadow was seen, legend said spring would come early".  As I read that this morning, on Yahoo, the word that stuck in my head is "hibernating". It's soo cold outside, the kids have a snow day today and hubby is working from home this morning -so, we are kind of hibernating. While I'm trying to work up some motivation to not hibernate and get out and run, my mind keeps going back to a bed I saw recently with luxurious bedding, voluptuous pillows, and a fireplace nearby.... ahhhh, I want that! I'm not one to lounge but this morning (while I am running) I will be thinking about lounging in one of these rooms:

Unfortunately, I cannot find the picture I was telling you about (I could have just imagined it) but this room has it all- reading chair by the fireplace, tons of books, and a cozy looking bed. That works for me!
Is there anything more inviting than a built-in bed?
How about this one?
An upholstered headboard and warm, neutral tones and textures are a recipe for relaxation.

Very neoclassic, so of course this is my favorite!

...another view

Just makes me sigh, ahhh

Silvery gray with mahogany has always been a favorite and that floor lamp...just gorgeous!
(Glenn Gissler Design) 

A sweet ending to my round up of rooms conducive to hibernation.
(Gibbons, Fortman & Associates)

I hope you enjoyed your visit today and btw, did you know that, including today, that the groundhog has only not seen his shadow sixteen times since 1887. Spring is right around the corner!


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