
Friday, January 28, 2011

Fun Friday Find: Painted Stairs

Greek Steps by Elizabeth Osborne
I don't know if this is everyone's (or anyones) idea of fun but I have been toying with the idea of painting the stairs going down to the basement. I thought it would be the perfect location to try something a little fun. The stairs are a contractors special (2x12's) but they do have closed risers and I'm pretty sure a couple cans of paint would be cheaper than replacing them. Here are a couple of the "FUN" ideas that I found:

All three of these designs (one above, two below) were either painted or stained using Royal Design Studio stencils. 

Melanie Royals, the founder and creative force behind Royal Design Studio is a leading innovator in bringing the art of painting architectural finishes and surface designs to the level of popularity that they are currently at. Btw, what do you think of the door (above)?

 Follow this link to check out more of her designs: 

The sunny design above was painted by Carol, at Painter Girl Blog. She used four different stencils from Royal Design Studio.
This is actually what I was thinking of doing. Boring or simply understated? I vote understated. If I knew for sure that I wasn't going to be replacing the stairs at some point with an upgraded version I would probably opt for a more intricate pattern but I think this just looks clean and fresh....and simple! , taken from Thrifty Chic (Cico Books)
Maybe I could incorporate a stripe or two. I'll have to keep an eye out for a sale on painters tape!
How about wallpapering the risers? Hmmm...I'm liking that. 

These are incredible. 

Now that is some serious fun! I'm joking, that is truly a work of art though. (and an exercise in patience!)

Boy, the projects are piling up. Does anyone else feel inspired to paint the stairs? 
Have a great weekend!


  1. * Michelle, this makes me wish W*E had STAIRS!!! Seriously, I suggest you DEFINITELY "go for it", please!!! (Especially since they lead down to the basement... that sort of makes the "trip" a lil' more DELIGHTFUL!!!)~~~~

    Linda in AZ *

  2. Linda, with so many projects to do I will be deferring this one to the hubby (under my supervision of course) so I just need to strike a balance between simple and chic! He's great at getting things done so pictures will definitely be coming soon!
