
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Guest Posting at West Pear Avenue

West Pear Avenue

Holly over at West Pear Avenue has invited me be a part of her Tools Of The Trade Series where she invites a fellow blogger to share some of their background and a few design tips. I'm thrilled to be a part of it- please stop by and check it out and check out the rest of her blog. It won't take long for you to see that Holly is a young and enthusiastic mom- well on her way to establishing her own decorating business. We've chatted about her business on and off the blog and I'm looking forward to watching it bloom!

pride and faith #quote


  1. Thanks so much Michelle! You are kind and so knowledgeable. I really appreciate you sharing your tips today. Enjoy the day!

  2. Hello my friend!

    It was so nice to hear from you! Thank you for stopping by!

    I love this.. so true!

    Have a wonderful day!


    Luciane at

    PS: If you a minute, please drop by to enter my Giveaway! :-)
