
Monday, March 5, 2012

Bike Inspired Design

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I'm thinking spring!
We are snow covered today, a rare occurrence this winter, but knowing that spring is just around the corner, I really don't mind. These images have me not only wanting to pull the bikes out of the shed and hit the road but also take a hard look at a couple of old bikes that probably should be retired!

The Sartorialist

I've always been inspired by images of apartments where you see a bike parked in the entryway. It gives the  space a kind of energy and provokes thoughts of a fast paced lifestyle in the big city.

...or maybe not always so fast paced!

vintage walker

In terms of decor, a vintage little bike, like the one above, would be adorable just being part of a space like a nursery- whether it's functional or just for display purposes. But...
What I'm really loving are the beautiful vintage bikes that I'm seeing as part of garden design.

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Keep an eye out for old bikes at flea markets and yard sales- they are usually very inexpensive and sometimes free. A less creative person may be glad to just get rid of them ;)

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Park a brightly painted bike with some coordinating flowers in a vintage looking basket near your front door or leaned up against a tree in the front yard and watch the neighbors swoon!


Pretty businesses do it- you can too! 
More lovely inspiration below...

bike basket flowers.

rusty bike with pretty flowers

A Cottage in the Woods
 Have a beautiful day!


  1. I want a bike with a basket! These are wonderful and look so great parked out front. We have a foot of snow right now but it should be going bye~bye over the next few days as it warms up...can't wait!

    Enjoy your day!

  2. Thanks Michelle - I needed some pretty bikes in my day. I also like when a bike is displayed for decor or hung on a wall - I always think that's pretty cool. I'm ready for spring! How's the kitchen project going?

  3. love these images--nothing like a vintage bike, they were so beautifully made. Can't wait to get mine out for a ride soon! Have a great day! Barbara
