
Monday, February 13, 2012

Tassel Love

Hi there lovely readers! I made one of those little tassels that I showed you a while back from Living in a Nutshell blog. It's a super simple project made from a champagne cork, decorative paper and ribbon. I was clammering to get this post up over the weekend in case someone was looking for a quick Valentine's day project but instead, my family and I took a spontaneous trip to Buffalo. My daughter's birthday was last Thursday and it was the first time that I didn't see one of my kids on their birthday. 
I didn't like that! Not one bit :(
So we all met in Buffalo and had dinner. 
Mama was much happier after that :)
Don't fret though- you still have time- it is that simple, especially if you already have a champagne cork.

Aren't these adorable?

Here is the one from
I like it better than mine because of the ribbon color but my red velvet ribbon makes mine look a bit more Valentines-y. Right?

First you need to drill a hole through the cork top so that you can thread a ribbon through for hanging. I used my Dremel but any drill would work. Warning: That part was messy!
Then you need some decorative paper

In the original post they used pages from a french book. 
I liked the look of text and I have this Italian poem rubber stamp.

I just stamped all over a large sheet of newsprint paper. Ohh, I just got an idea as I am writing this post. My husband is an investment broker I think it would be really cool to use the stock quotes page from the Wall Street Journal. I have the cork from the bottle of champagne that we drank at our wedding. Won't that be special! He can hang it on the drawer of his bedside table and always think fondly of me- tee hee. I do think he would like it though, I mean, as much as a guy would like that sort of thing. I'll let you know :) 
Anyhoo... back to the project.

Cut the paper in strips  about 14"  long. 
I did three different widths so that the tassel looks more full.

Cut the strips into fringe, leaving about a half inch at the top.

Glue the paper around the cork. Cover the edge with ribbon. A hot glue gun is the way to go. 
Wasn't that simple. 
One more thing- I think I'll put one of these in my kids lunch tomorrow.

apple cuteness for kids' lunch on Valentine's Day!

How cute is that! <3

PS Check out my St. Valentine's Day Pinterest board for more inspiration!


  1. Much more than than those silky stringy tassels! I must view your board for Val. Day. Always looking for fun ideas!

  2. What a great idea for a package I love it since I'm known as the queen of tassels in my circle. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day Michelle!

