
Monday, January 9, 2012

Cozy Recycled Nature

Good Morning, Happy Monday! 
Are all of your resolutions still intact?

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We had our big family party this past weekend and we also celebrated two of my boys birthdays. Try to imagine giving birth to your first child Christmas morning- that's what happened to me twenty four years ago. That was incredible and my newest teenager was born on New Years eve day! So, phew, the holiday season is officially over! It's no wonder I've been imagining a cozy place to curl up and rest. 

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There are all kinds of places that feel cozy, but in the winter I think cut wood and split wood evoke feelings of warmth. Maybe it's because my childhood home was heated with a wood stove- wood that my dad cut from our property and split by hand. He would say, "Cut your own wood, and you are twice warmed".

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When dad was cutting wood I would often see disks like the one above. I wished I would have thought of that- how clever! I can think of a myriad of collections that would be awesome displayed on that.

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Now this chair is um, pretty um- unique. If I had thought of it I'm not sure I would have went there but it is humorous.

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I've seen cut wood and branches used for all types of home decor- 
end tables, light fixtures, accessories and a lot of furniture. 
Check out these beds:

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Isn't it amazing how wood, in it's natural state, can be so rustic but at the same time...

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... be kind of elegant!
Do you like bringing natural elements into your home?


  1. Did you see the Twilight episode of Color Splash Miami? It rocked. That chair truly is bizarre. Neat post! I love wooden tables like the ones you've featured.

  2. I have our kitchen wood stove going right now and couldn't live without it. Great images and they do make you think of other interesting things you could make. I've seen bread boards made from wood disks. Wonderful post I enjoyed it.


  3. Wow that is something and isn't someone else a Halloween baby or close to? You've got a lot of the holidays covered. I love touches of wood around the home. Thankfully we have hardwood floors that are in good shape and that gives me my dose around here. I hope we have a fireplace in our next home.

  4. Love your images! I would really love to have a real fireplace, but they are not available where I live and most of the year it would be to warm. Overall wood is hard to get here and if, it's expensive. Miss that compared to the old country.

  5. I adore the look of cut wood whether it's furniture or just a pile of logs. It makes a space look so warm and cozy! Happy birthday to your kids:)

  6. Christmas, New Years...and don't you have another child born on Halloween? That's so cool!
    I definitely side with the more elegant look of logs. You have some great examples here!
