
Friday, December 2, 2011

Two Makeovers: French and Brassy!

 "Things are changing so much around here!"  exclaimed my son.

I know I'm making the kids feel uneasy. I'm balancing trying to get things done quickly, like before the holidays (oops too late) but without completely turning too much upside down at once. When I moved the office out of our bedroom, it started a ball rolling. I repainted the room last week and decided to do a little furniture makeover.

I have these two bedside tables- they are in great condition (they've been sanded down here). The brown one is part of our bedroom set and the green one was in another room.
I wanted them to match and I decided to go french.

I sanded and primed the piece with gray flat primer. Then I started the process of painting on white and wiping it off with an old sock

There is no science to it- just paint and wipe off until it has the look you like. This works great on pieces with some detail.

After I got the white looking good, I sanded the edges and the detailed areas.

I thought it still needed a little something so I rubbed gold Rub-n-Buff onto some of the edges and details.

When I got it just right, I finished it off with a paste wax finish. 
One done, one more to go.

Earlier I was visiting Hazardous Design blog where Carrie was featuring a mini-makeover of her chandelier. She added black shades to a brass chandelier -such a simple change but what a difference it made. It prompted me to think of a little makeover that I did last week. I took before pics but they didn't come out very well so I wasn't going to post it, but after seeing Carrie's makeover I changed my mind. (Sorry about the dark pics!) You can check out Carries makeover HERE.

Do you have a brass lamp from the seventies that is just too brassy? 

True, brass is back, but personally, I'm not quite there yet! 
Problem: I needed a lamp and the only one that I had, that would work in the space that I needed it, 
was this one:

Back when we moved into our first house we had no light- there were no ceiling fixtures on the first level except for in the entrance area. My mother-in-law bought us this much needed lamp and it still makes me smile to think how my husband and I would carry it around from room to room. 

It's a classic ginger jar shape and it has a little bulb inside that casts a pretty, sparkly light in the evening but the brassy finish is what made me pack it up and sequester it to the basement storage area. With all of the changes we've been making around here it's back- I need it, I want to make it work!
Here's what I did:

I rubbed good ole Gold Rub-n-Buff onto the shiny brass part. It makes it look more honed, less shiny. 

I spray painted the inside of the shade gold.

...and painted the the outside of the shade with black latex paint.
Much better- a much more updated look!

What do you think about the resurgence of brass? 
What's your preferred finish- Shiny or honed?


  1. Oh man, talk about bringin' it on a Friday!! Wasn't Carrie's quick chandy update great? That lamp of yours is awesome - a very classic look and so handsome (I want it!). I've been looking for a nightstand for so long for our master. Yours are really making me eager to find the one. Have a great weekend - enjoy your new lamp!

  2. Thanks for the shout out, Michelle! Your lamp really does look terrific. What a difference the rub-n-buff and black shade makes! And those nightstands! Gorgeous!!!

  3. Your lamp is beautiful Michelle! I love the honed brass look...still not to fond of the shiny brass. The black lamp shade is stunning with it! The nightstands turned out beautiful too!

  4. Incredible work done by an incredible person.

  5. Really love those end tables. The finish is perfect, you really did a great job!

    Amy R.

  6. I think you did a wonderful job with both your makeovers! The bedside table turned out beautifully. Like you, I prefer the honed brass look rather than the shiny brass look.

    By the way, I am currently hosting a great giveaway. Come by and enter for a chance to win a lovely charm bracelet.

    Have a great weekend!


  7. That was awesome. I was captivate by the kind of lamp you have. Very unique source of lights you have here.

  8. WOW! that table is amazing! i adore it- the color and finish are awesome and so rustic looking!
