
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Home Office Inspiration Projects

Is it November already! October went out like a LION. It's been a while since I last posted but you may remember that I was trying to get my new office looking somewhat finished and organized before the big family party to celebrate my son's Halloween birthday. 

Two weeks ago we installed the custom shelving unit
and every thing got a coat of white, shiny paint.

As you know, design doesn't happen in a you do the best that you can with what you have and the time that you have! The birthday boy was sick all week leading up to his party. Throw in a late night road trip to pick up the sick college girl. Then spend the next day sitting in a waiting room while she has emergency surgery to extract four wisdom teeth- (yes this is the same daughter that just fractured both elbows in a business class!) Throw in worrying about the college boy driving through a nor'easter down to D.C. to run the Marine Corp Marathon and you think- I'll be happy if I can just run the vacuum before everyone gets here!

I did manage to collect everything that was stashed around the house, all of my drawing, drafting and art supplies, and get them into my new space.

Believe it or not there was even more stuff packed onto these shelves but last week I purchased a black four drawer file cabinet from Craigslist for twenty bucks. Even though I filed most of my building materials books and catalogs away, it still feels cluttered to me. I think that painting the storage boxes a coordinating color will help. 
Check out my inspiration photo below.


Yes! That's the look I want but...being a color consultant and all, I also fell in love with the storage boxes below.

I don't want my office to feel so tranquil that I feel un-stimulated! 
A few pops of color should help.

Speaking of inspiration, here are some more of the projects that I need to tackle, accompanied by their inspiration photos, before this project will be considered a fait accompli.

Lets start with my old lamp. 

My inspiration and.......................... What I have to work with.
{Inspiration photo via }     
Isn't that a gorgeous lamp?! 
The one on the left of course- I cannot wait to do this transformation- I actually have two of those lamps! 

...And then I want to jazz up the old buffet that the lamps will be sitting on! 
Loving the stripes.

My inspiration and.............................What I have to work with.
{Inspiration photo via}

Changing out the blackboard for a corkboard will be an easy fix. I have found that as much as I like the look of a blackboard, it's just not as useful as a corkboard- especially since I want to use it as an inspiration board.

What I want..................................What I have.
{Inspiration photo via}

The inspiration board may be easy an easy fix but the trunk will be a challenge. 

What I want.................                                     What I'm working with!
{Inspiration photo via}

Last but not least- a painted rug!

    What I want.............                                     OMG, What I really need to paint!
{Inspiration photo via}

Fingers crossed- no more medical emergencies. 
Just lots of design work!

Which project do you think will be your favorite?


  1. Well you have been BUSY!! And all of that sickness and hospital stuff, I hope you don't have to have any of that for a while - yuck! But the office looks really great and I think I'd love the lamps or trunk update - both will be really great. I've been thinking about changing our spare bedroom into an office. We haven't had anyone sleep in there for 2 years. We'll see if I can convince my husband.

  2. I agree with Holly, you are one busy lady! I love all your upcoming projects and seriously don't think I can pick a fav. Looking forward to seeing all this fun stuff unfold!!

  3. Oh my goodness! Do you sleep?
    I hope your family is feeling better.
    The office is looking fantastic and I'm SO inspired by the projects you are working on. I always like having a project or two on my list. It keeps the creative juices flowing :)

  4. Wow, you've had a lot of drama. The office is coming along nicely though. You have some great inspiration.

  5. Wow! Your office and your energy are inspiring me. I can't wait to have a separate office. I'm making some notes because I'm loving yours.

    Have a blessed weekend.


    Luciane at

  6. It sounds like you had some week! Ugh!

    Your office is coming along and I love all the inspiration photo's.


  7. Holy moly! Sorry about the past few rough days. Hope everyone is feeling better! Wow, the office is looking spectacular! I'm so jealous of all your storage. Can't wait for you to paint a rug, that's going to be AWESOME!!

    PS. So funny about your parent's house. Is it on Cape Cod or architecturally a Cape? Would love to see pics:)

  8. Love how your office space is shaping up, despite all of the family things that have side tracked you! I am in the midst of updating our home office so will follow along as yours comes together.

    Cathy @ Room Rx

  9. I love the inspiration and working with what you have and can't wait to see the reveal! It's looking beautiful!!!

  10. What I would give to have an office. What I would give to have an office with as much storage and organization as yours! Looks like you have some great plans in the works.

  11. What a week! I hope things are settling down for all of you!

    I love the ceiling in your office, and I am very curious to see how you paint your rug! I didn't even realize you could do such a thing.

  12. Love the post! I also have a list of projects with great inspiration pictures. I just wish I was faster at completion than beginning.
