
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Decorating for Halloween

If you haven't started decorating for Halloween yet, these images will inspire you! My youngest was born on Halloween and of course we have a big celebration, so I like to do some fun and festive decorating. 


Isn't this owl grand?
 I absolutely love it, am inspired by it and must create something similar to it!


The mantle is one of my favorite places to decorate for Halloween. 
When I get mine done I will share it with you.


I don't know if white pumpkins are a product of genetic modification- but if they are, what a great success!
I think they are incredible- not to replace orange pumpkins but as a compliment to them. They are amazing!


Every year, the kids and I do a Halloween project. 
This is what we will be taking on this year and I'll put together a tutorial for you. We are collecting our jars -stay tuned for that.


Use florist foam (available at craft stores) to create these fresh flower pumpkins.


Another idea that I will use this year- I'm so excited to decorate this year! 
"Honey- get the stuff down from the loft!"


What do you think of the painted squash skeleton heads? Aren't they cute :)


A very clever way to decorate a bookcase.


Of course you need some spooky candles!


A beautiful and understated fall table setting.


Hopefully, this year we won't need the fireplace before October 31st!
This is a cute display.


Absolutely my style -Love, love, love!


Pumpkin totems are fun. I like these with the stars and moon glowing.


You know I love birds- even crows (except when they wake me early in the morning with their incessant "caws"). They are a great decoration for Halloween- Poe would agree!


Cloches make everything look better.


Notice how the carving matches the wall covering. Details, details!


This image inspired me so much that I decided to paint some pumpkins of my own and sell them! Thus my infrequent postings as of late. Sorry! 
I'm hoping to have my pumpkins at Village Ace Hardware by the end of the week. 
Baldwinsville store for sure, hopefully, Fayetteville store as well. I'll keep you posted.

Below are a couple of mine

Do you decorate for Halloween?


  1. Those pics are fab! Love what you have did to yours! Yes, I decorate for Halloween but not the scary stuff:)

  2. What a beautiful post!! I got sooo many great ideas here. Thanks for the gorgeous inspiration.

  3. I love decorating for Halloween! Thanks for all the great ideas!

  4. I love your post a few of the photos were familiar but most were new for me. This time of the year I just don't seem to get enough of pumpkins and halloween. Fresh pumpkins arrived this past weekend and I was in heaven, so great to get first pick. You and your kids enjoy your projects they look fun. Kathy

  5. You got me even more excited for Fall and Halloween! I love it all and these are some great images - too many favorites! That is so fun that your son's birthday is Halloween - it must be a lot of fun around your house. This is great inspiration for me to get out my fall decor.

  6. We decorate a little. Usually just our family room and breakfast room. Great ideas in this post!

  7. I don't usually decorate for Halloween other than sticking an uncarved pumpkin out on my front stoop, but your pictures are so inspiring. Maybe this year I'll make the effort!

  8. I was born the day after Halloween--its such a great holiday! Can't wait to see you tutorial! Have a great day-Barbara

  9. Wow, Michelle, these are all fabulous inspirations! The first one is so clever and the owl artwork is so beautiful. I also adore the beautiful Halloween vignette with the white pumpkins!


  10. What a fab round up of Halloween decor, thanks for sharing!
