
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Progress On The Re-design!

The settee and chair will be painted and re-upholstered.
{See yesterday's post}

Posting two days in a row- you must know I'm excited.
 Look at what I re-discovered!
We've had this picture (below) for so long- I remember we bought it for about twenty bucks at an auction. It's been in a garbage bag in our garage. I knew I would use it someday! 

It is going to be perfect over the settee. It's a little off center- I was so excited to get it up I just hung it on an existing nail. The painting (I should say faux painting-it's not a real painting) actually looks good, as far as the colors go, but I will just use the frame and do my own painting. 

I'm not sure what color I'll paint the frame but I'll most likely leave the blue accent.

I also wanted to show you how I decided to handle the large cocktail table. 
Remember the lazy susan that I refurbished (HERE)? I decided to use it right in the middle of the table to break up the expanse of the wood tabletop. The white finish and nailhead trim give it the bling it needed!

It also gives me a place to display some of those blue and white accessories I was telling you about. I can't wait to decorate it for Christmas. Well I can, but I can't- you know what I mean :)

Yesterday when I was talking about the design process, I failed to mention one thing and it's a biggie, like my trademark big! The first thing I ALWAYS do in a re-design is imagine the room naked. 
That's right- with nothing in it!
The next thing I do is ask myself this question- How does it look "architecturally". I love modern touches/furnishings for sure but FIRST I love the room to have classical architectural features. I have found that most people here in the northeast do as well. What do the moldings look like?- Can we beef them up? Are there built-ins?- Can we find a place for one? I think the room should be interesting and have character without anything in it. That's the backdrop that will MAKE the room!

I'll show you some ways to do that on an upcoming post.

Tomorrow is the last day for the Ramsign give-away!
Ramsign House Number Give Away going on HERE


  1. I think it would be a shame to paint the frame. It looks so nice and authentic

  2. I love your furniture especially that beautiful settee and chair! Looking forward to see your painting!


  3. I agree with Jimmy. I like the frame the way it is.

  4. Well guys- I love hearing your ideas! I was wondering if anyone would say that. I might not paint it- honestly, I think it will depend on the painting that I do. I would like it to be more gold and I would do it in such a way that it would look authentic. Keep the ideas coming!

  5. It's going to look the painting!!

  6. I like the frame the way it is. What color were you planning to paint it. Love your room.

  7. I like the frame already as well. I even like the faux-painting but I'm sure what you do will be awesome. Love the blue vase and accessories on that table.

  8. I absolutely love where you are going with this room! Your post today and yesterday have left me feeling pretty inspired to switch things up! I love that cane chair and the setee is going to be one pretty lady! Can't wait to see it finished!

  9. I'm LOVING this room so far. It looks like such a cozy spot, perfect for spending the afternoon in with a cup of tea (or bottle of wine-depending on what kind of day you are having) and settling in with a good book. Excited to follow along and watch it unfold.

  10. You are making great progress. Everything looks nice! I really like the architectural prints.

  11. Know exactly what you mean about being excited to decorate for Christmas but not really...this year needs to slow down! And I love your tip for thinking about a re-design and imagining a naked room. Now I have to go back and see your prior post - catching up on my reader tonight.
