
Monday, June 13, 2011

The Monday Mix: A New Feature!

I'm very excited to start a new feature for Monday's!!!!
It's called the 
The Monday Mix

To start us off, this first week- 
The Monday Mix: Shoes and Decor
(Send me your pics until Sat evening, 6/18)

My Franco Sarto summer shoes-
The party inspiration!

Here's the premise:
Have you ever thrown a jacket down on a chair and thought "Wow, that actually looks good there"?
Have you ever put a bracelet on a bedside table and left it there for a while because it just looked pretty?

Or how about this- 
Have you ever kicked your shoes off by the couch and realized that they match almost perfectly- like they could be a permanent accessory in the room? 
That's what happened to me and that's when I had an epiphany!
Fashion Items That Complement Your Decor- A Monday Mix Feature!

My Family Room and My Shoes! 
Desire to Inspire has a Pets on Furniture feature that is very similar to what The Monday Mix feature will be like.The Pets on Furniture feature is awesome!- people send in pics of their pets on furniture but the rule is that the pet cannot be the focal point. The focus is the furniture that the pet just happens to be sitting on. 
I love that idea and will have the same rule -
this is a design blog after all and we want to see your interiors or tablescapes or whatever decor you decide to include! 
It's okay to show a close-up of the accessory so that we can see the pretty details of your fashion item but let's see how it compliments the decor! 

Each Monday I will feature the best ideas from the previous week and if you have a blog, I will link to the blogs that are featured.
Also, each Monday I will reveal The Monday Mix fashion item for the upcoming week.

Here's what to do:
First, please be a follower of the blog!
Send your photos along with your name, location and a brief description to
If you have a blog, and want to write a post about your decor/fashion mix- be sure to send me the link (to the actual post) so that if it's featured I can link your photo back to it.  Also, please display my "The Monday Mix" button somewhere in your post so that we can get more participation each week! 

Note: If you have a blog, you don't have to do a post or include your photos on your blog to participate. Just send your photos to me and be sure to include a name, location and a brief description.

This is new so it may have to be tweaked along the way but I think it could be really fun-
especially if you participate!!!
Send me your pics or post this weeks mix:
Shoes and Decor
(I'll consider pics that I receive before Sat. night)
PS. Get creative and have fun with it!


  1. Great idea! The timing is perfect- I just bought a new tote bag and since I didn't want the bottom to get dirty I just hung it on the coat rack by the door. It looked so great there, that I haven't moved it... except for when I'm using it. I'll try to get the picture ready for next week.

  2. Wonderful idea!! Love it....yes have put items of clothing somewhere where it actually looks really good! Hopefully I can participate one day...stop by, doing an amazing giveaway!!

  3. I already have a couple of ideas up my sleeve :)
    Btw, the wallpaper and the fringe in the photo above are to die for. I'm going to need to put fringe on something now!

  4. Oh that sounds real interesting.

    And I think there are quite a lot of cool MIXes in our home. And can't wait to see what other participants have to share.

  5. This sounds like fun :D I will send you a pic later on today.....


  6. What a fantastic idea! Can't wait to see everyone's pics!

  7. Great idea and of course I love the pet on the furniture idea! I received Dixie Belle in the mail yesterday and WOW, you are one talented lady! My hubby is going to love it! I was stunned by the detail. God has blessed you with a beautiful talent...Thank you so much. Your generosity is very touching. I will be posting later and letting all the blog world see your amazing art. Hugs and Blessings, Tiffany

  8. i have the perfect picture b/c it complements me so well-my blue vans next to my dark wood storage chest and a french painting, lol. i am not sure if it's enough of the decor factor, or i'd send it along to you!

  9. This sounds like fun idea! Looking forward to see these pictures. I wanted to join in the fun but none of my rooms are finished! Never, maybe in the future.


  10. Wow, I am all excited. This sounds like fun and I can't wait to see all the great ideas everyone comes up with.
    I just need a really good idea....I will turn my imagination up and get you something.
