
Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Garden Tour: Sycamore Hill Farm...Part II

This is Part II of my tour of Sycamore Gardens in Marcellus, NY. 
To see "Part I"click HERE.

I wish I knew the history behind this structure. I know they were disassembling it and using the stone in the gardens but I recently heard they were rebuilding it. It's a mystery to me! One of the things that I like about this tour is that we were free to roam around the garden by ourselves but I did notice a small tram driving patrons around and I heard the driver telling some of the history. I guess I should take the ride at least once.

The Dragon Pegoda Garden features a Japanese style pavilion. 

The pavilion is surrounded by traditional stones, carvings, and various ferns. 

Crossing the water by way of the stepping stones is always fun. 

Just one of the never ending surprises that you find around each corner.

Water lilies in the Koi Pond.

It was very relaxing to sit by the pond for a few moments, take in the landscape and watch the koi fish. No two were alike- each had its own unique markings in the most beautiful colors!

Another photo from the back of the Hanford's home.

...And another!

More Koi fish- the photos just don't do them justice though.

In the middle of the pond is a spire of water that shoots up ...oh, I would guess at least a hundred feet!
The spray hits you as you are crossing those stepping stones I showed you earlier.

One last little garden area that we explored was right in the very front of the house, near the road. It was a very shady area with a water garden in the center. There is a tall shrub border that shields the garden from passing cars.

...and of course a large statue in the middle of the water feature.

This garden was filled mostly with ferns and hostas.

This little garden really felt like an outdoor room- a little secret garden!

The entrance of the home. Everything is just decorated so tastefully.

Visit the Sycamore Hill website to find out about upcoming tours and events.
 I hope you have a chance to visit this truly exquisite garden!


  1. Looks like a very lovely place...

    THe first photo looks really interesting ♥

  2. How enchanting! I the stepping stones do look like they would be fin to cross. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos!
