
Thursday, April 14, 2011

My First Give Away!!!

Today I would like to thank you for "Following" Ispirato Design. I started blogging to inspire others. Whether it's to do a home improvement project or make a handmade gift or just to have a glimpse at what others are doing in the design world. First and foremost, my goal is to inspire!  Funny thing is, I feel like I'm the one being inspired- constantly. So many  inspire me with their ideas, talents and photos they post and many make me laugh with their good humor and wit. So thank you for that!

In appreciation for following Ispirato Design and to encourage more to follow along, I would like to announce that I'm giving away....(drum roll please):

 A Gift Certificate for a 
Custom 8x10 Pet Portrait in Pencil
That's a $100 value! remember that number- it's significant :)

Now, before you get too excited - read the fine print at the end of this post. 

Here are the rules:

1. To be eligible to win you must be a "Follower" of Ispirato Design. Just click on the Follow button in the right side bar. You'll be prompted to choose the account that you want to use and then click Follow Publicly. You'll know you've done it right when see a square tile that represents you (you are given the option of uploading a photo).
2. To enter just leave a comment in the comment area at the bottom of this post to say your follower. (Make sure that your name links to an email or leave me an email in your comment)

3.To enter more than once do any or all of the following, and leave a separate comment for each one at the end of this post.
      a.) "Like" Ispirato Design on Facebook and then leave me a comment to tell me that you did.
      b.) "Like" my Home and Pet Portrait Page on Facebook and then leave me a comment  to tell me that you did.
      c.) Follow me on Twitter and then leave me a comment to tell me that you did.
      d.) Blog about the give away and link back to it (I would love it if you used my little button that I created!) and then leave me a comment to tell me that you did.

So that's up to five possible entries (comments) per person - be sure to leave a separate comment for each one that you do (ie. I just liked your facebook page or I just followed you on twiiter etc.)

The contest will close at midnight on the day that I reach 100 Followers! 
(That may sound like a long time but if the people who only get my email updates 
signed up to be followers it could be tomorrow!)

I will choose a winner using

The fine print: 
-The gift certificate will expire one year from the day of receipt
-I will leave the name blank so it can be transferred
-The complete instructions are on the back of the certificate
-Instructions include sending me a suitable photograph 
-Shipping is not included
-Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery after I receive a suitable photograph
* A suitable photograph is a clear photo that shows your pet as you would like it portrayed. Poor quality photos result in poor quality portraits so I cannot accept these. A selection of images for me to choose from is ideal.

Good Luck!!! 
You can see a sample of my work by clicking on the Pet Portrait button in the sidebar or visit my Etsy shop.


  1. I am a follower and this is a lovely giveway...I would love to have this for my adorable pet pooch, Teddy!

  2. It is a shame I don't have a pet. Not even a goldfish!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. So excited for your give away ~ I would love to be a part of it!

  5. What a great give away! I am happy to participate!

  6. I'm glad you all like the give away- I'm excited about it too! Please be sure to leave an email or link your name so that I can get in contact with you!

  7. Got it thanks! I would love to win this for my parents dog since you did such a wonderful job with my beloved Brownie!!

  8. I am excited for your giveaway. I am a follower and would love a pet portrait!

  9. I liked your page!!! Pick me-pick me.

  10. What a great idea, sign me up!

  11. I am a new follower and have signed up to follow you on twitter as well. This is an exciting giveaway - thanks for hosting it!

  12. You are so talented I just looked at all the other portraits. Thank you for telling me.

  13. Thanks so much for visiting and for your sweet comments so I could find you! New follower and thanks so much for the chance to win your wonderful giveaway!

  14. I liked Inspirato Design on facebook

  15. I liked Home and Pet Portraits on facebook!

  16. I am a new follower and so glad to find your blog. I came over from friend Debbiedoos' blog. I would love to have a portrait done of my dog. Keeping fingers crossed!

  17. I just became your newest follower. I popped over from Debbie's. Of course I think my dog is the best ever and I'd love to have one of your portraits! If you get a chance come visit my blog and enter my giveaway...thanks! ~Ann

  18. hi iam Debbie Mom when i seen this i thought i had to come ove your blog is great i would love to win for Beatrice .Ifollw you now i liked the 2 pages on facebook which by the was the pics are awsome and iam following you on twitter

  19. I am a new follower...thanx for offering such a great giveaway! Tiffany from The Cranky Queen

  20. I liked you on facebook for both your sites! That is 2 extra for me...wish me luck. Tiff

  21. Great giveaway I hope I win! I'm a follower and I posted a link to your giveaway on my sidebar. Please come visit me at

  22. I am a follower - great giveaway and love your work, beautiful! ~Tammy

  23. Liked Ispirato Design on FB! ~Tammy

  24. Liked Home and Portrait Page on FB. ~Tammy

  25. Buster would just love this and so would his mom and dad:)


  26. I'm your newest follower and found you at Deb's!


  27. I just added your button to my sidebar and although this isn't required I added your blog to my bloglist!


  28. What a great giveaway! My 12 year old Lhasa, Maggie, would look beautiful in portrait =)

  29. i just posted your giveaway on my facebook page :)

  30. What a beautiful giveaway! I am a follower! I would love to win and have my missing cat Joey portrayed. Thank you for the chance!

  31. I "Like" Ispirato Design on Facebook

  32. I "Like" my Home and Pet Portrait Page on Facebook

  33. I Follow on Twitter (my twitter name is EMS arts)

  34. and I posted your giveaway at my sidebar!

  35. What a great giveaway! I became a follower!

  36. I followed you on twitter, @beachcovejewel

  37. Hi! I'm coming over from Savvy Southern Style and I'm now a follower. This is a marvelous giveaway. I would love a portrait of our Lucy.

  38. Oh how fun it would be to have a drawing of our Molly Brown Hound.

  39. What a great giveaway!!! My sweet baby, "Boogie" is a black/red long haired dachshund. His birthday is today and he's 15 years old! He bring such joy to my life. Would love to have a drawing of him!!!

  40. I'm a new follower. That is a great idea! :)


  41. I'm a follower and would love to be entered in the giveaway.


  42. I just became your follower. Count me in on this fantastic giveway. Thanks. 8>)

  43. I am now a follower, thanks for the sweet comments on my boys. They are really that sweet loving furr children.
    Please enter me in the contest.


  44. I also like you on Facebook.


  45. Thank you so much for visiting me today, and telling me about your giveaway!! I asked Zip, and he said he would feel like a king if he got his portrait done! He is excited! he will have to blog again if he wins!!
    I'm following you now too. Your blog is amazing! I'm in my new house for 3 months now, and I feel like I will never be unpacked, never be finished with remodeling, never finished decorating! Your blog is so inspiring! Perhaps I can get a few ideas here for sure!!

    Thanks again darlin'!
    xxDaniella & Zip

  46. Hi! What a fabulous giveaway! I'm sure Ben would love to have his very own portrait. Thanks so much for inviting me; I am a new follower!


  47. I am a new follower and I would love to win such an amazing prize!!! :D

  48. Thank you for stopping by and telling me about your giveaway. Yes, Lucy was dignified. She held her position in the household quite well and I think a portrait would be a lovely tribute to her memory. I do miss her soooo much ;(
    I will also follow, you have some great pictures and ideas for inspiration!

  49. What a great idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog -- I'm now a follower of yours, too. I love your blog design!


  50. I am your newest follower! So glad you stopped by and I found you! Your work is just lovely! I loved the post on photographers of all the dream rooms. I always think about how they took the pictures! It is the photographer wanna be in me! Thanks for the great giveaway! I am keeping my fingers crossed!

  51. Just liked your Ispirato Design on Facebook!

  52. Just liked your Home and Pet Portraits page! Your work is so beautiful! I would love a picture of my sweet Murphy!

  53. I am following, here, FB on both (home/pet) and twitter! Can you tell that I want to win!!

    p.s. please check out my blog! When's the giveaway? I will blog about it!

  54. Thank you so much for joining me at Create With Joy and letting me know about your beautiful blog and giveaway.

    I'm a new GFC follower!


  55. I added the giveaway with your button to my sidebar at Create With Joy!


  56. What a unique giveaway. I am a follower! I love your sketches, what a great talent!

  57. I blogged about your giveaway! I would love to win, the question would be which pet to have the portrait made of....????


  58. I liked you on FB. Thanks for the best wishes.

  59. I am following your blog, Ispirato Design, great work you do! i hope i'm not too late to be entered in the free give-away, thanks!

  60. I have "Liked" your Facebook page, Ispirato Designs. please enter me in the pet portrait give-away, thanks!

  61. i now "Like" the your Facebook page "Home & Pet Portrait" please enter me in the pet portrait give-away, thanks!

  62. somebody is going to be super lucky to win a pet portrait from you!! Hugs, Janet
